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Intelligent simulation manikin for training whiplash workers


The quality of the training and assessment of those providing assistance to a person with suspected cervical trauma is essential in order to ensure that, in a real context, assistance to the person will not aggravate the sequelae suffered by the patient. Unfortunately, training is currently performed using mannequins or simulated patients that do not replicate the biomechanics and compliance of body segments of an unconscious person. Moreover, observation by experts is the only source of feedback on the effectiveness of the maneuvers applied, the evaluation is thus highly variable, subjective and non-quantifiable.

The developed solution consists of:
- a 175 cm and 82 kg humanoid mannequin with an articulated internal skeleton, encapsulated in silicone to reproduce the inertia and conformity of a human body and its segments during manipulations, transfers and mobilization.
- an articulated neck to reproduce with high fidelity the movements of the head according to the articular amplitudes of an unconscious person.
- sensors incorporated in each structure and connected to an on-board acquisition chain allowing the transmission to an external wireless source (laptop, tablet, smart phone) of the movement of the head in degrees with respect to an absolute or relative referenced position .
- software allowing the acquisition and visualization of measurements of the movements of the head in relation to the trunk during manipulations on the dummy and giving quantitative feedback on the quality of the manipulation carried out and its compliance with the expected standards.

- Visual and auditory quantitative feedback of head movements and manipulation quality in real time and in the form of a summary report in order to improve the quality of the learners' training.
- High-fidelity weight and joint manikin.

Realistic safety training on a mannequin for first responders, paramedics, nurses and medical personnel on:
- immobilization techniques and procedures done in the management of unconscious patients with suspected cervical trauma.
- any other transfers and manipulations of an unconscious person in different environments.

2nd generation prototype currently being evaluated in research and training contexts.
Demonstration of the prototype in real and operational environment.
Patent pending.

Project director: Patrice Leclerc

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